

Dividend Tax Calculator

2020-09-21T11:32:29+03:0021/09/2020|Resources, Tax Updates|

Easily calculate your Cyprus Dividend Taxes Using our Dividend Tax calculator Our dividend tax calculator quickly calculates the defence and GHS (GESY) contribution. Moreover, our calculator takes into account your tax residency, country of domicile and other GHS contributions to correctly calculate your dividend taxes. It is so simple, you only need to enter your gross dividends, select the dividend distribution period and the rest is done automatically.     Click to Access Our calculator [...]

Income Tax 2019 – extension of submission and payment date

2020-06-23T09:54:38+03:0023/06/2020|Tax Updates|

ANNOUNCEMENT The Tax Department announced that the date of submission of the 2019 Income Statement for: (a) employees and retirees (IR1) and (b) self-employed whose turnover does not exceed € 70,000 (IR1 self-employed), as well as the payment of the corresponding tax, is extended until October 30, 2020 at 23:59 (ΚΔΠ 247/2020). It should be noted that that the obligation to submit an Income Statement (IR1) form for the year 2019, arises ONLY [...]

Cyprus Tax – Benefits in Kind

2019-06-03T18:33:02+03:0003/06/2019|Resources, Tax Updates|

The Tax Department (“TD”) has published an Informative Guide which explains the tax treatment of certain benefits offered by employers to employees and persons who hold or are deemed to hold an office. The Informative Guide provides clear guidelines as to the proper valuation of the benefits in kind, for the purpose of consistency, clarity and uniformity, clearing any ambiguities. In addition, the TD issued Circular 32 and Circular 37 both of which provide additional [...]